Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Ready and able


Today's post will be a little more positive and upbeat!  Today the word for the day is:

I don't know if I can even adequately describe what it has felt like lately. To have the sun shining on me, not out there beyond me.  To see the light at the end of the tunnel and realize that it is Spring, and I made it through a dark Fall and Winter.  I feel relief, joy, hope, and thankfulness.

And also accomplished and proud that I made it through something that at one point engulfed me in so much anxiety and sadness I thought I would drown.  If that sounds overly dramatic, well...it felt that way for me.  I couldn't see it from any other perspective than my own.  And I was so unprepared for it that it threw me for a loop!

There was a lesson in all of it for me, and I am still figuring it out.  At the very least, I have a better realization of what it must be like for people who have injuries that put them out of commission.  We really take our day-to-day health for granted.  We assume it will be as it is today, not drastically different tomorrow,  and we go on about our daily lives with very little thought of it. 

We move through the week complaining about the day to day blessings we have because we don't even see them as blessings - work is too stressful, the kids are driving us nuts, there's too much housework, etc.  Just weeks before my knee surgery I was saying I needed a break. I felt overwhelmed.  I did way more than my fair share of complaining, when what I should have been doing was thanking God every day for all of the blessings I enjoy.  I'm sure I needed  an attitude adjustment. I still have some things to work on...


When our lives change and things are taken away, no matter how small, we realize they were OURS and WE WANT THEM BACK.  
Taking it all back, with a thankful heart, is what I'm going to do!

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