Thursday, May 28, 2015

Hair (not)apparent

I try not to be a vain person.  In fact, I am much less so now than I was in my 20's and 30's.  Life has a way of rearranging your priorities, and my hair has taken a backseat to say, my colon, for example.  But handfuls of it keep falling out. 

 Scalp. Lots of it.

 Handfuls!  That is not OK!  I visited my doc in February with a followup in March.  She said the same thing both times.  It's not unusual to have hair loss following a stressful event, like surgery.  Your hair may recover, but then again, it may not.  I was not in a position to place a lot of importance onto that at the time.  I had other fish to fry...  But now that I am feeling better,  I find it to be a terrible thing worth trying to remedy.  I see other people my age with HAIR.  And I remember that once upon a time, I had so much hair it was difficult to brush, let alone clean and blow dry.  Oh, for those days.  If I only knew what would reverse the loss, I would do it.  

Land sakes, woman, wear makeup!

I got a couple of inches cut off before I returned to work.  Then another couple of inches about 4 weeks later. I am trying not to blow it dry, using a biotin and collagen shampoo, and taking my vitamins, including extra biotin.  I'm not gonna color it.  I like the color.  And grey hair is so much more fragile - I think coloring it would add insult to injury.  It would certainly make my scalp more apparent.

I'm not brushing it a lot.  Not washing it a lot.  Giving it a good condition once a week.  And keeping it short.  Only time will tell if any of that has an effect.  I understand your hair changes as you age.  However, I do not wish to be bald. And this is causing me stress.
I guess I'm lucky I didn't start out with thin hair to begin with...

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