Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Donating blood

Donating blood is something I do about every three months or so.  I have since age 18, though there was a period there where I was doing the plasma thing in hard economic times.  Like when I needed gas money in college.  But happily, that is not the case anymore and I can freely donate whole blood.  I have many reasons, including that they frequently bestow flowers on me in the "cantina".  Here are some other reasons, in no particular order:

*It's free to do and I can
*I'm basically healthy and I can help some who maybe is not
*By donating, I atone for being a grouchy mom, distracted spouse, estranged sister, and less than stellar friend
*It helps me with my ladder points at work
*Free snacks, ice cold OJ, and a crossword puzzle to work on while I rest after my donation
*Friendly conversation with like-minded people
*I forget how much the finger stick hurts
*It's a built-in excuse to eat a BIG lunch and take a nap.

Have you ever donated blood?  I guess I've gotten used to it, somewhat, so it doesn't make me nervous at all.  Besides forgiveness for some of my failings, it actually benefits me, too.  It's like a confessional of the body, no?

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