Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Venting about work events, Part One

Where do I want to go with this post?  I'm not sure.  I'm supposed to meet up with Hubby tonight and talk about it whilst sipping margaritas.  Perhaps I should break it down into a timeline so I can organize my thoughts.

It's true.

December - The Lead on the weekend shift will be moving into a newly vacated M-F dayshift position.  This will leave our shift with a blank Lead spot, not to mention shorthanded.  A simple solution is to move me into her role, move the 32 hour a week person into my slot, and hire another part-timer.
January - The Lead position is posted and I apply for it. Why not? Because I feel I could easily and effectively step into the job, and that is no small task, considering what the Leads are up against.  Meanwhile, the 32 hour a week person applied for, and got, a dayshift FT position.  {Funny how fast those dayshift holes get filled!}  My application still says "under review" for two weeks before my manager asks me to call HR and have them push it through. I call and embarrass myself with HR who tells me to have my manager initiate the process himself.  I don't think they ever push the app through, but a week or so later, the dayshift Lead asked me to come in on my day off to interview.  From that, I assume he wants to resolve it as soon as possible.  Makes perfect sense. So, dutifully I go in and speak to him and the manager at great length.  One of the first questions is "This position has been open before, why are you only now applying for it?"  Truthfully, I answer the question.  And overall, I felt like the interviews went well.  However, it was several weeks later that I get an email from the corporate office saying that my application had been withdrawn and their needs had changed, so no thanks.
March - Neither my manager or the dayshift Lead has communicated with me about the status of the job STILL.  Truth be told, that in itself is insulting.  I have worked for several years with both of these people.  They know my work, my attendance, my personality...in fact, every thing they could need or want to know about me as an employee.  Patiently I wait. Let's just see when and if they address this - surely they got the automated message from the parent company, too.

...To be continued...

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