Sunday, November 12, 2017

Making lists

I have something I use whenever I am on overload...
Behold... The List:

Sometimes I will come home after a long day at work and I can't turn my brain off, thinking of all the stuff I need to do the next day.  Sometimes it's stuff I need to get done immediately, sometimes by the end of the week.  Some things are very small, others more important, but ALL of it gets written down.  I used to number the list in order of importance but I don't do that so much anymore - the main thing is to just pick one of the items and get started!  Yesterday this was my list.  It had everything from mop the kitchen to finish the ironing to work on the bank statement and pick up a prescription.  And it all got done!  I felt a strong sense of accomplishment mid-afternoon when I could finally prop my feet up to read a bit.  I was very tired, but it was a good kind of tired, knowing that the week was going to be a lot smoother!  Today I only have a couple of items left to do, and it's entirely possible to get them done early so that there will be more foot propping happening...
Here's to a Happy Sunday!