Thursday, July 4, 2019

Ancia ahead

Grayson's transfer to A&M was declined.  Cue sad face.  And when he called to ask about it, basically it boiled down to his grades not being competitive.  He can try again for NEXT Fall.  There is no appeal and there was no way to bring up his GPA (from a 2.92) in time to reapply for Fall.  Times awastin', let's go to Plan B.  Besides, he can apply to grad school there if thats in his plan.

He applied straight away to Texas State and within 2 weeks was accepted.  (I'm not sure why he didn't consider TS before - the same thing happened with Chloe when she did not get into the Coast Guard Academy) So now he (we) are in a time crunch of sorts - classes start Aug. 26.  It will be stressful, but it will also be exciting and there is lots to do.  He has to complete on-line orientation, get advised, find a place to live, acquire books/clothes/supplies and get settled in before classes start.  Each of those things hinges on the other.  And until I know where my kid will live I feel a little stressed.  I guess once that is settled I can focus on the financial side of it and that will cause some stress, too, but its something we will figure out.  
And I know as the last few weeks of summer fly by, I will have a hard time with the last one leaving the house.  Its inevitable but that won't mean it won't be a struggle for me. 
And when I think on all the new things ahead of him, I worry for him, too.