Warning: gore galore.
I fell on the gravelly sidewalk outside of the Erwin Center after graduation. I was navigating through crowds in blazing sun. I guess I lost my footing - I have no idea how it happened. But I didn't faint, certainly, and I wasn't dizzy or anything. It just happened.
I even walked plenty after it happened - around to the where the school buses were parked to take carpoolers back to north Austin. On the bus riding home I told Scout it hurt really bad, and I took a picture to show him. I don't think all of my peeps realized I fell. Oooh nice, skin hanging by a thread.
The next morning I didn't think it looked too bad - save for the skin still there, which Hubby insisted I trim off. It hurt, but I carried on with my weekend. We went to a winery and hung out at Highlands. I was doctoring it best I could.
Hang on a minute - it seems to be progressing to worse.
Oh my goodness, it hurt so bad. I had to either wear shorts or keep it under soft gauze. Having anything touch it sent me over the edge.
I thought it was getting infected, too, so I made an appointment to see my doc about five days in. She said, no looks like it's trying to heal.
A couple of days after that, above. I think I probably have a big bruise under there, too.
Eight days later, it still hurts, and is super itchy which means that the skin is healing, much like a healing sunburn. I never had beautiful legs, so I'm not pining for perfect skin. I just wish it hadn't happened. In any case, it didn't hamper the happy of the occasion, and I have soldiered on.
But, damn.