Come over for lunch, I always tell him.
I have plenty of food, and your brothers and I would love to see you. And it's about the only time I can drag information out of you to see how you are doing.
I see what you are doing there - STOP IT.
Maybe tell me about your day. How is it going with work? What have you decided about moving to Leander? How are your finances lately? Are you getting enough sleep? I hate that vape thing!
I guess I'm not done "momming" this one. I worry about how he is navigating adulthood but I know I just need to LET GO ALREADY.
Spencer is 27 going on 14 - he's pretty silly at the lunch table. Especially if one of the other boys are sitting there. He gives them the wisdom of his wise-cracking opinionated self. I call him Caveman because of his beard, and especially when I think he needs a haircut.
He's being good-natured about me taking his pic over and over, because I think he misses us a tiny bit and likes to come over to eat. Someday he will find someone to share his free time with and although I will miss seeing him more often, my heart will be glad for him. I think a lot of what we tried to impart to him over the years will make its way to the surface. In particular I love that he has a strong work ethic and is really into what he does for a living as a mechanic.
So come over all you want for lunch, Spencer.