Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Getting out there

There have been months on end where I have coccooned myself in my home. 
Or at Chloe's apartment with doggo on my lap.

It only happens on weekends, but I think it is caused in part by me having such a boring life during the week.  I place too much emphasis on weekends, then I lose my focus once the weekend gets here.  And I'm busy, just not busy having fun.
So I decided to switch things up.
I joined two groups on Meetup - one for ladies who like to drink beer and another that is a book club.  Not all of the activities happen on the weekend, so I still have time to make my own plans for going and doing by myself for two whole days.  But this is a start.
Meet new people, have conversations, maybe a laugh or two.  Breathe.
It feels challenging, which tells me I probably let this go too long.
But I have to start somewhere.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Happy Things for May 2022

There are actually happy things happening in May!  I made it to summer!

1.  As of this post, I may actually have a buyer for Darby (the Winnebago).  FINGERS CROSSED.  This is actually a happy and sad thing, I guess.

2.  The alarm system is once again functioning and monitored!   It feels good to resolve these things.  Next up is either having the house painted or replacing the carpet and bathroom floors.

3.  Healthwise, I am feeling good.  I may have gained a little weight back, but I am talking care to make sure I eat healthy foods, get enough sleep, take my vitamins, and move more during the day.  I tried yoga, didn't love it, but I will continue with some stretching.  My hair is growing like crazy - this time last year I hated my short hair, now I need a trim!

4.  My sewing and craft room is once again a sweet-smelling, well-lit, happy place to be.  I recently re-covered the chair pad, added a lamp, and bought a pretty desk mat.  I usually have soft jazz playing and that also adds to the creative atmosphere. 

5.  The City of Austin's Big Trash Day is back!  I am so happy to once and for all empty the attic and garage of all the crap that still needs to go.  I want to know exactly what I own and  where it is - complete control over all of the things with space to move and breathe.  

Happy rest of May!