Saturday, October 8, 2022


 It pains me to make mistakes that either harm myself or my home.  After all, I am trying to keep everything maintained and I assume I am bright enough to figure most things out.  I mean, I *think* I have common sense enough to come in out of a pouring thunderstorm, as my mother would say....but just like the garden faucet issue, I find that this is not always the case.

Long story short:  I managed to both graze my arm across the top of the firepit grate while the logs were actively burning, searing a swath of skin on my forearm AND not remove the lid in time while the fire was at its hottest, causing the handle to catch fire and burn. (Side note - what genius designs a firepit with wooden handles??)  I have since ordered a new handle and my arm is healing, but these small things tend to throw me off a bit.  Did Mark ever make a mistake like this?  Yes, he had scars from many things he did around the house.  But did he learn from it and move on?  Also yes.  
And so will I.

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