Thursday, December 15, 2022

Trials and tribulations

I'm sitting here at my computer this morning, well past the time I would have normally been clocked  at work {worst day to call in as it also punishes my co-workers}, trying to regain some calm state of mind and figure out what to do.  If its true that troubles come in three's,  I must be the luckiest person I know.  Or maybe I'm just having the hardest year ever, although I have to tell you, 1980 was no walk in the park.  In the last few weeks/days I have had:
*issues with my house
*issues with my car
*issues with my job
*issues with my knee
*issues with my mental health
*financial issues
And by issues, I mean things that stop me in my tracks to the point that I cannot rationally think about what to do as a next step.  I am leaning too hard on my friends and my daughter, and I know it.  But I haven't had a block of time that I was not in some sort of fog to be able to find a clear path.  And I so badly want to move forward.


On top of all of it is the grief.  Always the grief.
I would forgo the tequila in the list above - I swear I'm not being greedy.