Saturday, March 1, 2025

What I want life to be like one year from now

On Valentine's Day, I gave myself some love.  I'm feeling better about being a single person and I am more than ever focused on what it is I want from life.  That got me to thinking: 

what do I want life to be like a year from now?

First and foremost, I want to feel okay on my own.  I want to be able to attend movies, concerts, and other events solo and have a great time.  I want to be able to say hello to strangers and start conversations. I want to explore all of the things I want to do without worrying about my safety, how I look, or whether I am the only single person there.  I will leave myself open to approach, because the goal is to feel comfortable out in the world.  I want to open my mind and heart to the possibility of finding new friends, new experiences, a new way of seeing my life.  

In one year, I am sure that I will live completely alone.  So, do I keep this house, or find a smaller one?  Do I stay in Austin or do I move a little further out of the city? I think I may take this one year by year, depending on how I feel about my life situation.  How do I manage the quantity of my things, whether I move or stay?  Before moving, I will need to pare down the amount of stuff I own.  So, in one year I want to have a better idea of whether I stay here or go.

In one year I want to be able to say I got rid of the remaining items that I have no use for.  Namely, the Baja, the Cricut, the camping gear, the guns, and any tools I do not use or want.  I was hanging onto certain things thinking that my kids would be in relationships, with families and houses, but it doesn't look like that's happening and I'm not going to be a storage facility.  I have boxes of stuff to send to 2 extended family members.  I want to say I emptied the garage out except for what I absolutely wanted and I repainted it and it's DONE.  

In Feb. 2026, I want to be able to say that I got several big things done at Rustown whether I am selling or not.  Some of the maintenance items are doable by me and I have a schedule set up for that.  The garage, carpet, and a new fridge are on part of my plans.  I want to look back on my list and feel proud.

I want to have made so much progress in therapy that it tapers off into maintenance sessions.  I appreciate and am grateful for all of the help the therapist has given me, and inspired me to give myself.  I want to be able to say I made great strides in 2025.  This is something I plan to work hard at, investing the time and effort into myself. 

This sounds like a list of resolutions, and maybe it is.  My goal is to stop just surviving  - I want to thrive.  I think it's fitting that March is the month where I focus my efforts on self-love and care.  See you in 2026, February.

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