Saturday, May 27, 2023

Happy things for June 2023

 One of the hardest things to do in life involves changing habits.  They just get so ingrained into your day.  The thoughts you have, the foods you eat, even the motions you make.
Flexing my "happy thought" muscle is one.  Yes, I am grateful for so many things in my life.  But being grateful for some blessings does not erase the pain of losing others.  Even so, its good to make a list now and again, just to remind myself that happy things are still happening.

*Dylan bought a car.  This relieves me because I was worried that he wasn't concerned about my car's upkeep (which he was not) and because gas is so much cheaper driving my car vs. the truck.  
*I hate to tempt fate, but so far nothing major has failed or needed to be replaced at my house.  And I am doing my best to stay on top of the yards. 
*Haven't had a vertigo episode lately.  Knee only barely aches. Going to get an eye exam this week which might result in glasses. I'm staying on top of medications, doctor visits, and improving my habits. *update: no glasses needed!
*It sounds counterintuitive to say that it makes me feel happy to know I have taken stock of the people in my life and decided who can stay.  The new Gina feels lonely at times, but I am making space in my life to make new friends.  What's not to like about THAT?

*And I'm still happy to visit Highlands, while I decide how much longer it will be in my life.
Welcome, June.


  1. I had an MRI two weeks ago and I have a torn medial meniscus. It hurts so bad to walk, but I am a teacher so... Don't really have a choice. The orthopedic surgeon wants me to try an injection first on June 19th. Have you had that done? If that doesn't work then he said he will need to schedule surgery. Is that similar to what happened with your knee? It showed I have a baker's cyst as well, but I am not sure if that would be causing the pain. I am so tired of hobbling around.

  2. Karen, I had a steroid shot in one of my knees, but it was pain relief for arthritis. Two days later I could walk pain free. A menisectomy is an easy knee surgery. Hurts a little while, but will improve with time. Do your homework - I think doctors assume they are giving us all of the info, but how could they when appointment times are so short? Wear a knee brace, too. Might help. Good luck! Knee pain is the worst!

  3. Gina, I'm so happy you stopped by my blog and left a comment. I'm always thrilled to make a new friend, and I'm excited you won the Traveling Tote June Giveaway! Congratulations. I hope we can meet up this summer. Your bluebonnet photos are lovely. I pulled the last of my spent bluebonnet plants this week. They were so pretty and in abundance this spring.
