I think its a good idea to stop now and again and remind myself that although I may need improvement in some areas of life, in others I got this!
I am strong and resilient, physically and mentally. Even when I've been very down, I manage to get up every day. This is something I have gotten better at as I age.
I try to stop and listen to others and seek to understand them before making myself understood. I can keep a secret and am loyal to my friends. I want to be the person you can lean on. I also ask for and consider all the advice I am given.
I am a champion List Maker and rely on it to help me move through the day. I like to be organized.
I have a good sense of humor and I like to laugh with others, but I also believe in a good cry. Holding my feelings in is not for me. I can express myself fully.
I have a knack for getting lost while driving, no matter how close it is to my house or whether Google maps is helping me. Its something I'm resigned to now.
I am a words person, not a numbers person, so don't come at me with anything other than simple math. I credit this to all the reading I have done and word puzzles I like to do.
*I'm following a series of prompts for a few posts