Saturday, January 4, 2025

Happy things for January 2025 - my favorite month

*Dylan will be moving into his own apartment and apparently, Grayson was inspired to also look for a place.  I have worries and fears associated with this, but I see it as an overall positive step for these two young men. Spencer is in a better living situation as well.

*Gray and I both have decent cars now and I will soon sell the Baja.  That will be the last big auto thing to be done and will be a weight off my mind.

*The garage is looking better and better with a bunch of stuff to be gone this month (mostly Dylan's).  I will have room to move things around to paint in there.

I even started a new snarky cross stitch!

*In January I start the yearly purge and clean of the kitchen and closets. I ordered a liner for under the kitchen sink cabinet, and new shelf liner for the pantry.  I want to get things in the kitchen pretty, not just organized. Then I'm going to work on buying some pantry items for long term food storage.

*I continue to make progress with the health goals I have set for myself.  I gave myself some grace over the "holidays" because there were blue days and food days. I managed to get out of the house, keep my telehealth appointments, and not gain weight. So I am counting December as a win!

martinis are a holiday tradition

*I took some things to my favorite jeweler for repair and revision and I know it will be a big bill, but January seemed like the perfect time to get them done. Jewelry is mean to be worn, right?  All of it has sentimental value and special meaning to me.

All in all, I am carefully optimistic for January!


  1. Snarky? I find it motivational! ;)

  2. I'm so impressed that you can make your own patterns!

  3. I'm glad you like January and get a things done. Here in Ky it's just too cold at almost zero this morning. Then add the 10 inches of snow we've had on the ground over a week I just hunker down with couch projects which is not good health wise. You have a great outlook and goals set for Jan.

  4. I think you're the first person I met where January is their favorite month. That's great you stuck to your health goals.

  5. As someone else mentioned, I don’t think I have ever heard anyone say that January is their favorite month. I’m glad that you enjoy it. I consider it a bit bleak, although on the plus side, it’s an indication that the holidays are over and we are starting fresh.
