Was I taken for granted? I think so. But wasn't I also complicit in that because I let it go on so long? Once you have roles that are entrenched in your home and marriage, how do you break free of them? I was a working mom with two college degrees - if he didn't wonder how I felt about all of it, why not? I will never know, because it all ended abruptly, before I got the chance to talk to him about it. I had plans to tell him that I wanted us to be more equal partners, with a say so in how we spent our time and money in retirement. I would have told him that compromises were needed in areas of our home and how we spent our time together. That there were things I wanted and needed for our relationship to be healthy. That I expected him to take care of his health first and make sure we could carry out whatever plans we decided on, as a team. To reconcile the resentment I felt.
It's Just Me, Gina
Saturday, March 15, 2025
Many things assumed
Was I taken for granted? I think so. But wasn't I also complicit in that because I let it go on so long? Once you have roles that are entrenched in your home and marriage, how do you break free of them? I was a working mom with two college degrees - if he didn't wonder how I felt about all of it, why not? I will never know, because it all ended abruptly, before I got the chance to talk to him about it. I had plans to tell him that I wanted us to be more equal partners, with a say so in how we spent our time and money in retirement. I would have told him that compromises were needed in areas of our home and how we spent our time together. That there were things I wanted and needed for our relationship to be healthy. That I expected him to take care of his health first and make sure we could carry out whatever plans we decided on, as a team. To reconcile the resentment I felt.
Saturday, March 1, 2025
What I want life to be like one year from now
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Dream feelings #10 and #11
Two similar dreams, two nights in a row.
#10 - Nothing about the place feels familiar, but I know I am standing in my mother's kitchen hand washing dishes with someone I think is my sister/daughter. I hand her a soapy dish which she is to rinse, but she just stands there holding the dish as there is no where to rinse it or place it to dry. I become annoyed and tell her she needs to help! She disappears. I am increasingly stressed as I realize its not just the kitchen I have to help clean but the whole house, which feels very large and messy. Everyone else who was in the background also disappears and leaves the door open. I am alone, thinking how can I possible get all of this done? The dream ends.
Saturday, January 25, 2025
My superpowers*
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Happy things for January 2025 - my favorite month
*Dylan will be moving into his own apartment and apparently, Grayson was inspired to also look for a place. I have worries and fears associated with this, but I see it as an overall positive step for these two young men. Spencer is in a better living situation as well.
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Telling him about my year - 2024
For 2023, I wrote Mark telling him about my year. Turns out that 2024 was better, as I had hoped! I used the blank pages in my planner as a journal, and jotted down monthly thoughts. I made very few resolutions: limit spending, drink less alcohol, add in exercise, stick to my planner, accomplish one important task per month, spend less time on my phone, read for pleasure. Basically, just take care of my life.