Friday, March 6, 2015

Hello, it's me!

Whenever I call my mother, I always say "Hi, Mother.  It's just me, Gina"  so she will know exactly who is talking to her.  She's 85 and mostly on top of things, but if you call her and don't tell her who you are right off the bat, she might have a whole conversation with you thinking you are someone else.  

 My mother and me, 1963
This is a space for me, to talk about whatever I feel the need to talk about.  And lately, that's been a lot of stuff that's not exactly what I want to post on The Cannary Family.
Because not all of it is family related. 
And I needed a different outlet.

So, hello it's me, Gina.

I am a 54 year old mother of four living in Austin, Texas.  My hubby and I will celebrate 30 years of marriage this October.  I was born in Lubbock, and moved to Galveston when I was 11.  My parents were serial parents; by the time I came around, my mother had been married three times, my father twice.  They had 10 kids between them, with another 3 to follow after me.
A lot of that has to do with a lot of me, so I guess it's relevant.
You learn a lot from your parents about what to do, so it also follows that you learn what not to do. This is my forum, trying to make sense of life.  Not getting bogged down by negativity from the past, but acknowledging it at the same time. It's my goal to be real.

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