Thursday, March 19, 2015

Current goals


In no particular order, I thought I would post my current goals. I am making them as practical as I can while still setting my sights.
Here goes:

 No cane this week, with the exception of getting from the car to PT and back, and maybe if it's raining and I need the mental assist. The long term goal is just to forget I even have a cane.


The physical therapist suggested I dust off the Wii Fit and use it.  Not a bad idea since we are halfway done with March and much as I like seeing her, it's getting to be time to wrap this up.

Finish decorating the house for Spring. Get rid of that last collection of pinecones I found on top of the kitchen cabinets. 

Take the boys to the movies.  There are three movies playing at the dollar theater so we need to decide which ones to see.  We have to work around Scout's work schedule and my PT appointments, but we have time.

Get back into following the home pt program I set up for myself and the sleep schedule.  Also, I probably should email a brief hello to my boss.  And I need to call my mother and see when I can visit her.

Continue with the EFT and self-hypnosis.  Neither one of these things hinder me and I believe they are beneficial.  

All in all, fairly reasonable goals.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you were able to accomplish all of that, Gina.

    Pretty pictures :)
