Thursday, April 30, 2015

Current goals revisited

 These people crack me up

*Get rid of the cane.  DONE. I'm not even using it for going down the steep driveway anymore.  I think I will put it into the garage with the crutches.
*Get a Wii, use Wii Fit.  DONE.  I was using it daily until I went back to work.  Now only on days I can't get out to shop or walk.  Chloe and I are challenging each others' scores, which is fun.
*Finish decorating the house for Spring.  DONE.  Plus, I've done a lot of spring cleaning, which feels nice.

*Take the boys to the movies.  DONE.  And we went out to lunch a couple times.
*Get back into following the home program I set up for myself and the schedule for getting up early.  Halfway DONE.  It's really hard to not just want to rest on my days off.  I imagine this will get easier, and I look forward to continuing with walking.  
*Continue with the EFT and self-hypnosis.  DONE, but every day gets easier and I find I have to self-talk myself into things less and less.

I'm pretty happy with my progress since my first set of goals so here are my new ones:
*Continue with my vitamins, walking, and water.
*Visit my mother in Brenham and allow enough time for a nice long visit.
*Get a handle on the household filing
*Plan a trip in Mabel with Hubby.
*Finish up with PT once and for all
*Make a list of things I want to do this summer and get started.  

Measureable, reasonable, achievable.

 You can do it, Mom!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Three weeks back at work

Time flies and I'm three weeks back at work already.  It seems amazing to me, because just a couple of short months ago I was so worried about not being able to get back at all. I am still very tired at the end of my workweek, but I can trust my own two legs to get me where I'm going.  I was welcomed back with (literally) open arms.  That made me feel more at ease for sure.

I'm relieved that things are moving along in the right direction.  I don't know whether to feel bad I had so much doubt, or thrilled for so much success.  I think I will take the latter!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Paradoxical gratitude

adjective: paradoxical:
                                                seemingly absurd or self-contradictory.

*Knee surgery and recovery was hard, but my knee got fixed.  I had awesome insurance that paid for it.
*I had the holidays with my family in our comfy home with lots of laughter and good food.  I missed respiratory season at work so I didn't get so much as a sniffle.
*I got a mental health break and was able to see work in a different light.
A friend from work came to see me at home and made my birthday very special. Another friend brought me a lunch. People texted and called.
*I probably drove him nuts, but I learned that Mark will stick with me through ugly stuff, not just the happy stuff.
*I participated in jury duty, but I got to meet people from other walks of life. 
*I caught up on reading and rest.  And I got a paycheck, which lessened the financial burden of having been home for five months.

I've been through a lot the past few months. I'm grateful for all of the lessons.