Thursday, April 30, 2015

Current goals revisited

 These people crack me up

*Get rid of the cane.  DONE. I'm not even using it for going down the steep driveway anymore.  I think I will put it into the garage with the crutches.
*Get a Wii, use Wii Fit.  DONE.  I was using it daily until I went back to work.  Now only on days I can't get out to shop or walk.  Chloe and I are challenging each others' scores, which is fun.
*Finish decorating the house for Spring.  DONE.  Plus, I've done a lot of spring cleaning, which feels nice.

*Take the boys to the movies.  DONE.  And we went out to lunch a couple times.
*Get back into following the home program I set up for myself and the schedule for getting up early.  Halfway DONE.  It's really hard to not just want to rest on my days off.  I imagine this will get easier, and I look forward to continuing with walking.  
*Continue with the EFT and self-hypnosis.  DONE, but every day gets easier and I find I have to self-talk myself into things less and less.

I'm pretty happy with my progress since my first set of goals so here are my new ones:
*Continue with my vitamins, walking, and water.
*Visit my mother in Brenham and allow enough time for a nice long visit.
*Get a handle on the household filing
*Plan a trip in Mabel with Hubby.
*Finish up with PT once and for all
*Make a list of things I want to do this summer and get started.  

Measureable, reasonable, achievable.

 You can do it, Mom!

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