Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Poopin' out

On-call weekends aren't the worst, really.  It means we stay close to home and in my case, have the potential to make a little extra money.  Sometimes it means I get a bunch of stuff done around the house.  More often than not, it means Mark and I go out to eat at least once.

On Sunday I worked 6 hours, then met him at Chuy's, followed by a marathon 3 hour nap.  But I had felt so sleepy driving in to work on Sunday morning, after having worked Monday through Saturday.  Then I stayed up until 10 p.m. to enjoy dinner and visiting with Dylan and Michelle.  I thought I had gotten plenty of sleep, but we were fairly busy at work on Sunday and by 1 p.m. I was out of gas. Add to that a giant Mexican lunch and I was struggling by the time we got home.  I didn't even bother changing out of my scrubs.  I just flung myself onto the bed next to Teddy.  I was awake at 6 p.m., but it was all I could do to stay that way until bedtime, so I don't know what was going on - maybe a bug?  Just tired?  I skipped dinner and was asleep by 9:30, but on Monday I felt a little worn out still.
It's going to be a long week if this keeps up!

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