Saturday, April 6, 2024

Why, and who, I feel comfortable asking for help*

 Its really hard for me to ask for help, post-Mark. Its not like I don't need or want the help, it just feels like I am burdening people who shouldn't have to take on my responsibilities.  I know that's an extreme way to look at that.  I guess I have always either felt self-sufficient, or as part of a team who could do most anything (me and Mark, of course).  Now and then Dylan will offer to do something for me and I seem to put him off.  Why is that?  My "kids" are adults now, and letting them help when they can would do a world of good for all of us.

Home sweet home to be repainted soon!

things such as:
*it would help get them to see the big picture of taking care of a home
*it gives you the feel-goods to help someone else 
*a family should help each other - isn't that what we teach kids?
*it would show them how to take care of their own home some day
*Its definitely a productive use of time
*more projects and chores would get done, which would not be a bad thing
*it might make me feel better to have them help me
*siblings that see other siblings pitch in might mirror that effort and offer to help
*we would be working together and spending time together
*sometimes they have good ideas for things

Leave it to a writing prompt and my own stream of consciousness to lead me to a realization!

*I'm following a series of prompts for a few posts

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