Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Me, prompted

One of my favorite blogs to follow is writing her second blog, somewhat like MY second blog, in which she gets to share a little bit more about her personally.  Not just the things she does to help her family on a daily basis, or how she saves money, or what she cooks, but more things about her.  Things she remembers, believes, aspires to, thinks, relates, regrets... {I might be embellishing it based on what I got from what I've read so far, bear with me}
And I thought, YES, PROMPTS.  That's exactly what I want to do with It's Just Me, Gina.  Because I sometimes think that life is too messy (and stressful) to blog about for strangers, even ones who might read this second blog o' mine.  Because I run out of ideas.  Because I worry that dwelling on my negative thoughts will plow me under - hence I need neutral ones.  Because I want to journal in a way that might inform or amuse my kids someday.  And because it feels creative and interesting.

I'm going to find a source for those prompts and if I can't, I might just travel along with the other blogger and get some ideas for them.  Or maybe I will come up with a list of my own, entirely.  But prompts, yes. And maybe a bit of family history?  And lots of old photos.  

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I knew you had a second blog, Gina. I love the idea of writing prompts. They tend to make me think about things in a different way. I'd be eager to know if you find some.
