Wednesday, July 12, 2023

If it ain't broke, I fixed it

Lately I think "if it ain't broke, I fixed it"*.
I have hired someone to take care of some things but I have also done some fixing myself!

my humble abode

Sometimes as I am doing these things, I think "well, this isn't working out to be perfect", but what is?  Even Mark had a learning curve.  I can imagine him fixing something for the first time, doing his best and knowing that a done something was better than a perfect nothing. I also imagine him cheering me on, urging me not to give up.  I'm learning a lot about things I never thought I would need to.  And I am proud of me.

*Grayson's version is "if it ain't broke, don't break it"

1 comment:

  1. I'm so impressed with your accomplishments and your DIYs. Anything larger than a sewing machine or a glue gun completely intimidates me.
