Saturday, August 24, 2024

My goodness, mind your own

My kids are grown and do not need me to clean their rooms, or cook for them, or basically do ANYTHING for them except exist as their parent. 

So why I felt the need to take care of Grayson's laundry, change his sheets, vacuum his room, and toss out all of his trash is a mystery that I'm just going to chalk up to temporary insanity.
Besides making him very angry at the end of a hard week, it did little to actually help him and it backfired on me in a big way.  Since then, I've been telling myself daily to mind my own business and stop making people around me want to avoid me with my craziness.  Good Lord, its hard to have grown kids living with you, no matter how temporary it may be.


  1. I wouldn't worry about it making him mad. That's what makes them remember that they want to be on their own as soon as possible.

    Take this with a grain of salt. Our youngest is 40 and STILL lives in our garage apartment. :) But we don't mind, because he is handy to help with trash takeout, dog sitting, car maintenance, etc. He has a good job, and savings, and is waiting for housing market to be a little friendlier. LOL At least that's the story. I think he just likes it here. Now if he was still in the house with us, it would be hell for everybody.

  2. Seems to me that "no good deed goes unpunished" applies here. You probably did it because you couldn't stand the mess. You, like me, love a clean, organized house.
