Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Bound to happen

There is always a point in the summer where The Girl becomes hard to live around.  Nothing I can do or say will be right.  And Dad, only marginally.  And everyone here invades her space and makes too much noise.  And let's not even mention the bathroom. The up side to that is that brothers tend to get more attention.  Like somehow she is trying to balance the scale.  {About the only good way to get a smiling pic is to steal it from FB.}

Not because she does not love ALL of  her family.  I think it's because she chafes to be at home.  Then when she gets used to it, summer ends.  She will have to once more say goodbye. And this summer will be particularly hard at the end because she is officially off on her own. She's already stressing summer finals (today), getting her car repaired, maxing out her credit cards, finding an apartment in Houston, and getting enough studying in for her CPA exam.  I get it.
But I wish she wouldn't freak out. 

1 comment:

  1. Let me just say that I completely and totally understand.

