Tuesday, July 14, 2015


When I first got back to work, I felt ready.  Somewhat rested.  Mentally prepared.  Physically able.
 Not now.

I feel super tired now.
My energy level is being thwarted by more of my peeps being at home most days, which always leads to more things to do when I get home from work, not to mention days off.  Yes, I delegate.  But there are some things only I can do.  And I have a problem in general saying no to requests for Mom Help, anyway.  I think "the tireds" are a combo of summer heat, and just plain old doing too much.  I'm scheduling in FUN time for Hubby and I.  It's the times we go out for dinner or Happy Hour.  We call them Bitch and Moan sessions.but its always nice to have someone to bounce things off of. 
It'll get better.  It usually does.  Fall will come.  I can't wait.

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