Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Managing expectations

One thing I have to keep reminding myself is that I need to get better at accepting change.  I get to a point where I think things are settling down, and lo and behold, they are not.
Cue shock and awe.
It's almost like there was a paradigm shift in my life after my knee surgery.  I assumed that once my knee got better, I would pick up where I left off.  In all areas of my life, my job included.  That was not meant to be.  And I guess not really realistic, either.  I mean, come on.  Five months.  That's a bit of time.  Almost a half year.  Lots can change.  It's up to me to move things along in the direction I want them to go.  But, it's also up to me to either accept what is handed to me, or politely decline.  That's where I don't want to get stuck.  Gina, the road changed a bit.  Turn around, don't drown.

At the end of the day, I want to say I have done just that.
Roll with the changes.
New goal:  Reasonable expectations.

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