Saturday, December 16, 2023

A mantra for now*

I hear this in my mother's voice as she tells me:
"You can do this, Gina.  You're a strong woman." 

trees are amazing - as they grow they bend, rather than break

I didn't ask to be in this life situation I am now.  I did not approve of all these changes. I'm being handed a lot of shi*t I don't want.  And yet I get up every day, make my bed, put my clothes on, and get to work, so maybe that's all that strength is anyway. When I pray, I ask God for more strength, just so I can get through this terrible time and see what's on the other side.  Because what else would I ask for?
There might be something great ahead, so I will expect the best.

*I'm following a series of prompts for a few posts.

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