Saturday, December 9, 2023

One thing I can do today to make life easier*

 One thing I have been meaning to do lately is to start up walking again.  Getting started is a mental struggle more than anything else.  Just trying to force myself  out of my routine and put on my tennies and GO is so hard.  But I know it would make my life better (therefore easier) in many ways.  I would:
*sleep better
*have more energy during the day
*get some sun and fresh air
*probably feel better mentally
*meet neighbors and get reacquainted with my neighborhood
*probably increase my metabolism, helping me lose weight
*lower my blood pressure

ha ha!

I went so far as to buy a new pair of tennies that I have used only a handful of times.  I even parked them right by the front door.  What I need to do is set an alarm with The Google Lady, my phone, and ask one of the boys or a friend to help me be accountable.
I can do that.
I just have to get started, and really that is the hardest part.

*I'm following a series of prompts for a few posts.  It was an idea I found on a grief website, and I remember which one, I will come back and update this post.

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