Saturday, December 2, 2023

Happy things for December 2023

My December home is sanctuary. 

Peaceful, quiet, beautiful, relaxed.  Just what I want to feel.

*In November, I gave all of Mom's papers and mail to the attorney and now I am doing no more than the other three heirs in regards to her estate.
*Some random home repairs are off my list: the fan switch in the boys' bathroom, the dryer vent was cleaned for the first time in years, and the tile job is finished.  Three things off my Rustown list.
*I was done with Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving and stayed within a very reasonable budget.  
*I'm off work Christmas Day, and if the weather allows I will take a nice long walk, eat a delish meal, read for a bit, and relax with a nap!  And I am looking forward to working my regular shift on New Year's Day as a send-off to the '23 holiday season. 
*Grayson will be done commuting to San Marcos.
*My nails are back to growing and look great.  I got some jewelry repairs done and am enjoying said jewelry.  I started up walking again.  And health-wise, everything is on an even keel for me right now.

All is calm.  All is bright.


  1. Your living room looks lovely. Do you ever thank your lucky stars that you hadn't made the move to the Highlands before your life's path took its tragic turn? You could be living there in a half finished home. Yikes!

  2. Lynda, YES! So many things could have been worse than they were, even in the midst of it being overall a terrible time. What if he had died up there at Highlands on our last weekend there? I didn't even know how to drive the Winnebago. And what if HE had been behind the wheel of it when the heart attack happened? Me trying to live up there alone while the house (that I wasn't going to keep) was being completed? After we had already sold our home? I am thankful that God had so much mercy for both Mark, and myself.

  3. Your home looks lovely, festive and peaceful. I adore your floors. They're beautiful...and so clean and shiny!

  4. It must be a wonderful feeling to have so much checked off your to-do list which is a lot of weight off shoulders. That then allows you to enjoy your cozy sanctuary. I've discovered it's great to have plans for that special day to keep the "Woe is me" feelings pushed away. Isn't it amazing the little things are big enough to look forward to?
