Was I taken for granted? I think so. But wasn't I also complicit in that because I let it go on so long? Once you have roles that are entrenched in your home and marriage, how do you break free of them? I was a working mom with two college degrees - if he didn't wonder how I felt about all of it, why not? I will never know, because it all ended abruptly, before I got the chance to talk to him about it. I had plans to tell him that I wanted us to be more equal partners, with a say so in how we spent our time and money in retirement. I would have told him that compromises were needed in areas of our home and how we spent our time together. That there were things I wanted and needed for our relationship to be healthy. That I expected him to take care of his health first and make sure we could carry out whatever plans we decided on, as a team. To reconcile the resentment I felt.
Saturday, March 15, 2025
Many things assumed
Was I taken for granted? I think so. But wasn't I also complicit in that because I let it go on so long? Once you have roles that are entrenched in your home and marriage, how do you break free of them? I was a working mom with two college degrees - if he didn't wonder how I felt about all of it, why not? I will never know, because it all ended abruptly, before I got the chance to talk to him about it. I had plans to tell him that I wanted us to be more equal partners, with a say so in how we spent our time and money in retirement. I would have told him that compromises were needed in areas of our home and how we spent our time together. That there were things I wanted and needed for our relationship to be healthy. That I expected him to take care of his health first and make sure we could carry out whatever plans we decided on, as a team. To reconcile the resentment I felt.
Saturday, March 1, 2025
What I want life to be like one year from now
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Dream feelings #10 and #11
Two similar dreams, two nights in a row.
#10 - Nothing about the place feels familiar, but I know I am standing in my mother's kitchen hand washing dishes with someone I think is my sister/daughter. I hand her a soapy dish which she is to rinse, but she just stands there holding the dish as there is no where to rinse it or place it to dry. I become annoyed and tell her she needs to help! She disappears. I am increasingly stressed as I realize its not just the kitchen I have to help clean but the whole house, which feels very large and messy. Everyone else who was in the background also disappears and leaves the door open. I am alone, thinking how can I possible get all of this done? The dream ends.
Saturday, January 25, 2025
My superpowers*
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Happy things for January 2025 - my favorite month
*Dylan will be moving into his own apartment and apparently, Grayson was inspired to also look for a place. I have worries and fears associated with this, but I see it as an overall positive step for these two young men. Spencer is in a better living situation as well.