Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Positive changes

Mark and I have been eating so many veggies its not funny.  And though I do long for the days of rice, mashed potatoes, and mac and cheese, I have to say, I am feeling far healthier.  I *think* my BP is down (haven't been good about taking it lately), I have dropped a few pounds here and there, and I am sleeping well.  Plus, my energy level is up!  So here is what we (mostly I) are currently doing:

Peppers and eggs, cottage cheese

Black coffee, no creamer!
Lots of water during the day - I'm completely off soda, rarely drink iced tea
Lots of cooked and raw veggies - both for meals and for snacks
Fresh fruits
Red meat no more than once a week, and we eat fish or chicken breast a lot
Oatmeal 3X a week
No more than 3 eggs per week, and usually less
Waaay less salt and I read the labels on things obsessively now, looking for sodium content
Whole grains, in bread and side dishes (farro!)
Less fried food when we eat out, not as many canned or frozen things at home
Less sugar - we use honey in our oatmeal
And, we both cut back on the beer and wine and neither of us eat breakfast or lunch out during the week.
Mark was pretty grumpy this morning over his weight not dropping - but he is stress eating a lot of popcorn and other stuff at the end of the day, plus I'm not sure that he eats enough during the day or drinks enough water or moves from his desk much.  {I can only make suggestions!}  As for me, I am scheduled for a follow up with my doc at the end of February and I am looking forward to getting a good report.  I know that I have made positive changes that I can maintain.  Along with dietary changes, we are making big ones on finances, too.  Another story for another day...

1 comment:

  1. I tend to eat lots of vegetables, but have been cutting back in hopes of dropping a pound or two. How unfair it is that it takes only moments to gain a pound, but weeks to lose one! I cry foul! Good luck to you both.
